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Soluţie de îngrăşământ NK 5-10 cu microelemente. EG 118 este recomandat în tratamentele plantelor suferinde din cauza carenţelor multimicronutriţionale. Este foarte eficient în eliminarea carenţelor, în îmbunătăţirea rapidă a stării vegetative a plantelor suferinde, în prevenirea avortarii florale şi căderii premature a fructelor mici.EG 118 este folosit pentru aplicarea când se manifestă carenţa principalelor microelemente. COMPOZIŢIE Azot (N) total.......................................5 % Microelementele prezente în EG 118 sunt complet solubile în apă. Cu, Fe, Mn şi Zn sunt complet chelate cu EDTA. NK 5-10 FLUID MINERAL COMPOUND FERTILIZER CHARACTERISTICS FORMULATION COMPOSITION Total Nitrogen (N) ........................................................................ 5,00 % Microelements contained in EG 118 are fully solublein water. WAY OF USE CROPS DOSES TREATMENT FOLIAR APPLICATION preventive treatments 100-150 ml/hl repeat periodically 'medical' treatments 500 ml/hl repeat about every 15-20 days. RADICAL APPLICATION 500 ml/hl As far as vegetables, flowers, ornamental and potplants in general, directly water the soil. As far as fruit growing and arboreal plants in general, product must touch roots by means of an injector pole or by digging external (i.e.1-2 m from the trunk) drills of about 20-40 cm depth, where products will be entered. We recommend to add Gerhumin – activated humic acids - in 30-50 ml per 100 litres both for foliar and radical Application.
Azot (N) nitric......................................0,8 %
Azot (N) ureic......................................4,2 %
Oxid de potasiu (K2O)...........................10 %
Bor (B)................................................0,06 %
Cupru (Cu)...........................................0,2 %
Fier (Fe)...............................................0,45 %
Magneziu (Mn)......................................0,5 %
Zinc (Zn)..............................................0,55 %EN
EG 118 is dedicated to plants suffering from multimicronutritive element deficiencies.
It is particularly good against such deficiencies, to quickly improve the vegetative condition of plants suffering from parasitic attacks, as well as to prevent flower abortion and first fruit drop.
EG 118 is specifically applied in case of Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc deficiencies.
of which
- nitric .................................................................0,80 %
- ureic ................................................................4,20 %
Potassium Oxide (K2O) .............................................................. 10,00 %
Boron (B) ..................................................................................... 0,06 %
Copper (Cu) ................................................................................. 0,20 %
Iron (Fe) ....................................................................................... 0,45 %
Manganese (Mn).......................................................................... 0,50 %
Zinc (Zn) ...................................................................................... 0,55 %
Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn are completely EDTA chelate.