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36c tipo B
36 c tipul B, pe bază de BNOA, favorizeaza fecundaţia florilor, reduce căderea prematură a florilor şi nu determină deformarea fructelor. Soluţia folosită este pulverizată direct pe flori. MODALITATE DE FOLOSIRE CULTURI DOZE TRATAMENT Pe cale foliara: Tomate 1-5 ml/l Stropiţi cu un jet foarte fin ciorchinele de flori când sunt deschise. Pentru formele hibride folosiţi dozaje mai mici Vânătă 5ml/l Pepene galben 1-2 ml/l Stropiţi rapid şi cu un jet foarte fin toată planta, fără să vă opriţi excesiv cu jetul direct asupra părţii terminale a tulpinii sau a rădăcinii. Pentru formele hibride reduceţi doza. CHARACTERISTICS 36c TIPO B stimulates flower fertilisation by reducing the flower drop, without causing the fruit deformity. It must be directly sprayed on flowers. FORMULATION COMPOSITION WAY OF USE CROPS DOSES TREATMENT TOMATO - non hybrid variety - hybrid variety 5 ml/l 1-2,5 ml/l Spray the clusters of flowers when they are all open. Such treatment must be directed, as much as possible, towards the inner part of flowers, so that they can be properly wet, trying to localise it on flowers only. Do the same on the following flowers. AUBERGINE MELON 5 ml/l 1-2 ml/l Spray quickly with a very ne-bulized jet on the whole plant without stopping on the sin-gle flowers. On Hybrid varieties reduce the dose.RO
Fitoregulator de legare
Pure ß-NOA (ß -naphthoxyacetic acid)............................................ g 4,5
Solvents and stabilisers as requested for ................................... g 100,0
Reg. N° 8714 dated 15.2.1995
Danger indications: not classifiedDOSES AND INSTRUCTION FOR USE